Instructions To The Authors





KAVAKA” being the Transactions of the Mycological Society of India, was started in the year 1973 as the official publication of Mycological Society of India at Centre for Advanced Study in Botany, University of Madras, Chennai,Tamil Nadu, India. The word 'Kavaka' represents the Sanskrit name for 'fungus'. It is an International Journal of Mycology, which is being published quarterly in March, June, September and December by the Editor-in-Chief on behalfof the Mycological Society of India. All the back volumes of the journal published till date are available for free access at and Kavaka publishes peer-reviewed, original articles and reviews on various aspects of mycology and plant pathology including conventional taxonomy, moleculartaxonomy, phylogeny, diversity, ecology, physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology, and applied aspectsof mycology and plant pathology.




The articles should be forwarded through online portal available on the official website of the journal ( and the website of Mycological Society of India ( tothe Editor-in-Chief of the journal. Manuscripts should have high standard of science and should contribute significantly to the progress of science of mycology and plant pathology. Submission of an article to Kavakapresupposes that the corresponding author has complied with the following ethical issues:


Author Guidelines


At the time of article submission corresponding author must ensure that only the persons who have made significantcontribution in the research work, drafting, revisions, etc. are included as co-authors. Concurrence of all co-authors for submission of the article to the journal Kavaka, must be obtained. The sequence of the authors and designation of corresponding author must be approved by all the co-authors before submission. The change with reference to number of authors, sequence, etc., should be made before acceptance of the article and must be approved by the Editor-in-Chief. All the issues pertaining to co-authors and corresponding author will be dealt with as per the prevailing author guidelinesissued by the Editorial Board of Kavaka being Transactions of Mycological Society of India. The corresponding author and the co-authors must obtain necessary permissions from their respective institution when required.

The authors must certify that neither the manuscript nor its main contents have been published or submitted forpublication in any other journal. Required permissions should be obtained from copyright owners whenever tables, figures, or text material published by others elsewhere are used in the manuscript.





Plagiarism Policy


Article should be free from plagiarism and its contents should be compared with the vast database of web pages and academic publications by processing through standard plagiarism checking systems. The journal will not be responsible for any transgressions on the part of the corresponding author/authors with regard to the above. In addition, use of someone else’s ideas or words in their original form or slightly changed without proper citation will be considered as plagiarism. Even if citation is given and the quotation marks are not placed around the words taken directly fromanother author’s work, it will still be treated under plagiarism. Reuse of authors own previously published data as such with or without citation will be treated under the category of self-plagiarism. All manuscripts received will be processed through plagiarism checking system for comparing the contents of the manuscript with the already published information. Manuscript judged to be plagiarized or self-plagiarized will not be considered for publication in the journal Kavaka being published by Mycological Society of India.


Retraction, Correction and Apology


The published article will be retracted in case of transgression as explained in the plagiarism policy of the journal.Besides this the Editorial Board will publish corrections, clarifications, and even apologies when needed.


Transparency of Data


It is essential that all data included in the manuscript submitted for publication in journal Kavaka is accurate andrepresentative of the author’s own research. Authors are advised to preserve raw data, till the final decision of theEditorial Board about the publication of the submitted manuscript.

Depending upon the requirement, authors can be asked to submit raw data to deal with the dispute, if any. Cases of data fabrication/falsification will be dealt with strictly by the Editorial Board of the Journal as per the prevailing policy of University Grants Commission in this regard. In such a situation, if the explanation provided by the authors is not satisfactory, then the manuscript under question will automatically stand rejected and the Editorial Board will have thepower to decide whether future submissions of such authors should be accepted or not.


Conflict of Interest


It is very important to be honest about any conflict of interest, with regard to the sources of research funding, direct orindirect financial support, supply of equipment or materials, or any other support. Clear declaration in this regard shouldbe made by the authors while submitting the manuscript for Publication in the journal Kavaka.


Peer Review Policy

All the submitted articles will be peer reviewed for their suitability before being accepted for publication. The journalfollows "double blind" peer review policy.



Authors should refer to the latest issue of Kavaka for the format. The manuscript should be submitted in MS Wordformat and typed double-spaced. Do not right justify the text. All pages should be numbered and line numbers should be provided individually for each page. Times New Roman typeface having font size 12 should be used throughout. Thefirst paragraph of every heading and subheading should be left-justified, while the other paragraphs should be indented. The following order of the contents should to be maintained while submission of manuscript:




The first page should provide the title and abstract.




The title should be concise and relevant. Full names of the authors, including the first and surnames, should preferably beprovided. The corresponding author should be indicated with an asterisk.

Addresses of the authors should be indicated in the next line in italics. If the authors are from different institutions, this maybe indicated as superscript numerals against the names of the authors and the individual addresses should be stated. The corresponding author's email address should be indicated below the addresses of the authors.




The abstract should not exceed 200 words. The abstract should provide a concise summary of the paper followed by amaximum of 6 Keywords.




Introduction should not exceed 400 words. The topic should be introduced, relevant literature presented, the problemsstated and the objectives should be clearly delineated.




This may, or may not have sub-headings. Citing of earlier references is sufficient for well-known standardmethodology. However, special and relatively unfamiliar methodology should be presented in detail.




Table and Figure numbers should appear sequentially in the text. Salient results of the study should be presented clearly. The DNA sequences relevant to the study should be deposited in NCBI-GenBank ( and the final dataset should be made available to other researchers through TreeBASE submission ( Details on all new species/taxon description including taxonomic changes should be submitted to MycoBank ( Index Fungorum ( The manuscript should state the NCBI-GenBank accession number/s, TreeBASE accession number/s, MycoBank number/s, and Index Fungorum number when applicable.




The discussion should be logical, precise and clearly relate to the results obtained. Avoid verbosity and lack of clarity. Results and Discussion should be presented in separate sections for articles exceeding 3 printed pages. Articles less than 3 printed pages should combine Results and Discussion and in such a case abstract should not exceed 100 words followed by 3-4 Keywords.




Brief concluding remarks from the study must be given following discussion, which should be different than the abstract.




Authors must acknowledge the Institution for the facilities where work has been carried out and the financial support received.




References should be arranged in alphabetical order by authors’ last name in the Reference section. The list of references should include only works that are cited in the text and have been published or accepted for publication. If there are several references by the same author(s), then citations are listed in order by the date of publication. Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last name of the authors and their initials (the first author, the second author, the third author, and so on). If the same author is present in more than one source, these entries should be listed in chronological order. When two or more publications by the same author are cited in the same year, they should bedesignated by letters a, b, c in the text and references, e.g., 1970a, 1970b, 1970c. Journal names are not to be abbreviated. Citation by DOI is strongly recommended.


Reference to a journal publication:


Single Author


Blackwell, M. 2011. The Fungi: 1, 2, 3, … 5.1 million species? American Journal of Botany, 98(3):426-438; doi: 10.3732/ ajb.1000298.



Two Authors

Sharma, Y.P., and Sumbali, G. 2000. Incidence of aflatoxin producing strains and aflatoxin contamination in dry fruit slices of quinces (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) from the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir. Mycopathologia, 148:103-107; doi: 10.1023/A:1007155020833.


More Than Three Authors

Kapoor, R., Anand, G., Gupta, P. et al., 2017. Insight into the mechanisms of enhanced production of valuable terpenoids by arbuscular mycorrhiza. Phytochemistry Review, 16:677-692; doi: 10.1007/s11101-016-9486-9.


Reference to a Book

Smith, S.E., and Read, D.J. 2008. Mycorrhizal Symbiosis, third ed. Academic Press, San Diego, 815 p.


Reference to a Book Chapter

Atri, N.S., Kaur, M., Sharma, S. 2017. Characterization of lamellate mushrooms—an appraisal. In: Developments in Fungal Biology and Applied Mycology (Eds.: Satyanarayana, T., Deshmukh, S., Johri, B.N.). Springer, Singapore, pp.471-500.




Tables should be numbered serially using Arabic numerals and cited in the text in bold. All figures, including linedrawings and photographs should be numbered serially in Arabic numerals and should be arranged at the end of the text.Do not embed figures within the text. All figures should be cited in the text in bold. Good quality halftone photographs and color photographs in high pixel (minimum 300 dpi) should be submitted in an acceptable format (TIFF, JPEG or PDF). Color art and color photographs will be allowed when necessary and will be charged. Drawings and figuresshould be clear enough when fitted onto 1 or 2 columns. Photographs should have appropriate scales to indicate the size, whenever necessary. Composite photographs put together as one plate should be numbered alphabetically.




Authors will be charged Rs. 500/- (in Indian Rupee) or US$ 20 (in Foreign currency) for every printed page of the article. The exact cost will be communicated to the corresponding author at the proof stage.


Prof. Rupam Kapoor



Department of Botany

University of Delhi

Delhi 110 007, India

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Centre for Advanced Studies in Botany,

University of Madras, Guindy Campus,

Chennai – 600025, India



Prof. M. Sudhakara Reddy

Secretary, Mycological Society of India,

Department of Biotechnology,

Thapar University, Patiala- 147004, India

Mobile : +91 9872179008